Sunday, December 16, 2012


Marcus Harris

Cody almost gives out his brothers secret. Cody sends hint to his friend and almost tell his friend the whole thing. This would have been bad because then his brothers supernatural powers would be out in public. Little kids often tell everything to their parents and their parents will tell other parents. If Brewsters powers were in the open the government would take him away and use him for science. Brewster has also thought he would be used to heal the President if he was every shot or injured in some way he would be the ultiment body guard. In the worse case sanario he would be killed and directed in the name of science. Nothing else exciting happened in this chapter but I think it's leading to the climax in the next chapter.

 I noticed some comic relief in this chapter because after an intense moment of Brewster loosing his secret a joke was made taking the seriousness out the situation a little.

I found some situational irony because cody meant the opposite when he said he would tell Brewster's secret.

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