Friday, December 7, 2012


December 7 2012

In this reading Brewster s brother is the narrator. This chapter is basically Cody(Brewster little brothers thoughts. He talks about being scared of his uncle who can occasionally be drunk and angry especially when Brewster inst around. When Brewster is home his uncle behaves because he believes Brewster is a angel or a demon sent from the under world or from heaven. Also since the past years Brewer has become bigger than his uncle meaning if push came to shove Brewster would win in a fight. Furthermore, Cody talks about not letting Brewster s secret out to the public. It is getting very hard for Cody not to talk about his "gifted" brother.Next i believe that the chapter will be about Bonte, Brewster s girlfriend, and whats going on in her mind as its has been for the beginning of this book. On a scale to 1-10 so far i would rate my book a solid 7.

I find there to be alot of imagery in this book exspecialy where they talk about thhe "fight" in the food court.

I also have found more dramatic irony in this book because Bonte doesn't really know Brewster s secret but I do so I know more than a character.

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