Sunday, December 16, 2012


Marcus Harris

Cody almost gives out his brothers secret. Cody sends hint to his friend and almost tell his friend the whole thing. This would have been bad because then his brothers supernatural powers would be out in public. Little kids often tell everything to their parents and their parents will tell other parents. If Brewsters powers were in the open the government would take him away and use him for science. Brewster has also thought he would be used to heal the President if he was every shot or injured in some way he would be the ultiment body guard. In the worse case sanario he would be killed and directed in the name of science. Nothing else exciting happened in this chapter but I think it's leading to the climax in the next chapter.

 I noticed some comic relief in this chapter because after an intense moment of Brewster loosing his secret a joke was made taking the seriousness out the situation a little.

I found some situational irony because cody meant the opposite when he said he would tell Brewster's secret.

Friday, December 7, 2012


December 7 2012

In this reading Brewster s brother is the narrator. This chapter is basically Cody(Brewster little brothers thoughts. He talks about being scared of his uncle who can occasionally be drunk and angry especially when Brewster inst around. When Brewster is home his uncle behaves because he believes Brewster is a angel or a demon sent from the under world or from heaven. Also since the past years Brewer has become bigger than his uncle meaning if push came to shove Brewster would win in a fight. Furthermore, Cody talks about not letting Brewster s secret out to the public. It is getting very hard for Cody not to talk about his "gifted" brother.Next i believe that the chapter will be about Bonte, Brewster s girlfriend, and whats going on in her mind as its has been for the beginning of this book. On a scale to 1-10 so far i would rate my book a solid 7.

I find there to be alot of imagery in this book exspecialy where they talk about thhe "fight" in the food court.

I also have found more dramatic irony in this book because Bonte doesn't really know Brewster s secret but I do so I know more than a character.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Marcus Harris
October, 22, 2012

In this reading Brewster revield all his scars leaving his girlfriend in shock. Not only did he show her he told her how and why theye happen. Brewster used undeniable evidence he told her his pain. After years and years of secrets finally his secret was out. Brewster found someone he trusted but that just brings him even more pain. This is the struggle his been battling all his life. Im starting to think this is a life lesson I think the theme is love brings pain love leaves bruises. Im starting to get into this book and I'm starting to love it.

The theme of this story is is pain results in love and love brings pain. It the undeniable cycle of life.


Marcus Harris
Pine Point

In the beginning of this reading Tennyson and his sister are found in the bathroom crying. It isn't often they would have these brother and sister times but when it happens its special. The sister said "this is why i put up with my brother, because he always has my back, all we have now is each other ". I can relate to this a lot. My brothers and I don't speak much but when we do its something special and deep. I think this a bond only siblings could explain and have because I new exactly what the author was talking about when i read this part. Iv had this moment with my siblings whenever we are in danger. I remember one time when there was a stranger at my house so we hid in a bedroom with "weapons" to perfect one in other we had , a connection.


Marcus Harris
Pine Point

In this reading life carries on. Tennyson's parents don't speak and dare often separated. when both parents are him they are always on the other side of the house. The children are becoming more and more sad and rant sure how to handle this. Whenever their parents ever come to gather to speak together they clash and begin to fight. It is clear at this point the divorce isn't far away. I can somewhat relate to this scene because of witness this but between one of my friends parents i was scared worried and sad for my friend. Things like this from my point of view is one of the hardest things kids could go threw.

In these pages the mood is strictly sad. Theres only sorrow and regret found in theses pages and is in desperate need of comic relief.


Marcus Harris
Pine Point

In this reading nothing important happens. The pages seemed to go on and on about their parents getting a divorce. In these pages I got a sense over emotional pain more than a physical one. Im not sure if this story is about the divorce or more so the bruisers on Brewster. This story seems to flip flop back and forth a lot which makes it hard to get a handle on the climax. Overall there are many main characters and there isn't a antagonist. This puzzles e because iv read through many climaxes but i have never seen a antagonist This book is defiantly different.

I saw dramatic irony in theses pages because I new why bruiser gets his bruises before his girlfriend did who is a main character.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Marcus Harris
October 16 2012
PinePoint School

In this reading Brewster explains how he gets all his scars. Brewster doesn't  get his scares from his uncle not by getting bullied but by magic. If someone Brewster loves gets a scar it disappears and reappearance on  Brewster. This is true because after his girlfriend cut herself on her thumb Brewster received her same scar and pain. This is a burden to say the least, Brewster is now having trouble to stay around people he loves. Also in this reading, he received scars from his girlfriends brother in which he hates. This is very strange because it doesn't follow the method of Brewster getting his bruises. Im stating to wonder if he gets bruises from only people he loves.

In this reading I saw a Foreshadow because it doesn't go deep into why Brewster got bruises from his enemy which leads me to believe that theres more than what Brewster knows.

I also think theres irony in this writing. I think this because its ironic how Brewster receives all these bruises when his name is Brewster.

Sunday, October 14, 2012


pages 54-77
October 14,2012

In this reading Brewster and his girlfriend go on their second date. The date was planed to be at a swimming pool which threw Brewster off balance. The reason brewster didn't like this idea was because of all his bruises on his back and stomach. To take the attention off of himself, Brewster brings his little brother cody. When Brewster arrives his girlfriend was already in the pool monitoring him to jump in. Furthermore, on sight cody jumped in the pool in a shape that was similar to a canon ball. This took a couple of minutes off of Brewster so he didn't have to get in the pool yet. Eventually, the attention was passed back to Brewster so he got in the pool with his shirt on. Brewsters girl friend, being curious makes brewster take off his shirt. At that time an explanation was took late his girlfriend assumed his uncle beat him with a belt and now she is threatening to tell the police.

1.) In this reading there was a surprising interjection. "I pulled him toward deeper water.' C'mon, it's only twenty-five yards.'
'No!' he pulled his hand back from mine."

2.) In this reading there were countless participles. "Cody, who had migrated to the shallow end, called out to us."

Sunday, September 23, 2012

entry 2
September 23

In this reading Tennyson follows Brewster to his house in hopes to find something horrible about his life style. While Tennyson is stalking Brewster, he finds that Brewsters brother comes out side crying and runs to hug their pet bull. After minutes fly by, he figures out that the bull is seconds from death. At this point, Brewsters uncle comes out side and makes rude and harsh comments and jokes about their beloved bull. Then the uncle pulls out his belt and begins to whip Brewsters little brother thats when Tennyson finds himself yelling stop. Immanently Tennyson runs after Brewsters uncle with his lacrosse stick for perfection but has no attention of using it in a violent way. Now Tennyson and the evil uncle are standing face to face.

In this reading there was Dramatic irony because Tennyson went to Brewsters house thinking he would find drugs and dead bodies but as the reader I new there was nothing like that in the house.

I think I found a small theme in this book which is don't judge a book by its cover, because by looking at Brewster Tennyson thought he would be doing a lot of bad stuff when really he's a nice kid.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Entry 1
September 16
p 3-33
So far in this book it's kinda a background of the characters. Seems like there are three main characters a brother a sister and the sisters boyfriend, Brewster. Slowly, the author has been hinting to what the book is about through characteristics of the characters. For example, When Brewster took of his shirt while in the locker room his girlfriends brother noticed bruises all over his back, this is a symbol to the title of the book. Another example is, the brother not liking his sisters boyfriend Brewster and trying to break them up, sometimes by physically threatening him. All these examples lead me to think soon there is going to be bigger conflict than trying to break up a relationship. In the book I haven't reach any sort of climax yet but I have hopes I will soon.

The style of writing in this book is a lot of dialogue and a lot of explaining what the character is thinking i don't see much description.

The euphony of the dialog is very good. The sentences flow well with each other and conversations in this book seem very natural and realistic.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Of Mice and Men 31-39

In this reading Lennie complaints on how the farm is mean and how he wants to leave. Also slims dog gave birth to puppies. After Lennie heard about the pups he immanently wanted one and told George to ask for him. After years of wanting some kind of pet Lennie finally got one. Slim and George rabble on about how Lennie is a nice fella even and so he would hurt curly if it came down to it. After talking about Lennie slim continues to ask George why they got chased out of Weed. even after reading this a second time there is still suspense.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Of Mice and Men page 21-30

In this reading George and Lennie first meet curly. When they first meet him he tries to size up against Lennie, after he did so he started pounding him with questions. George,the responsible brother for Lennie, answered the question which got Curly mad. After Curly was satisfied he left and walked away. Not to longer after his wife finds George and Lennie and flirts with them in a sly way. George didn't fall for her scheming tricks but Lennie was falling in love with her. George , noticing Lennie, told him to stay away from her or they would have trouble. I think in my next reading Lennie and Curly will get in a fight.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Of Mice and Men

 For the first time Lennie says he can leave if George doesn't him he says he will live in a Cave. Also Lennie apologizes fro asking for ketchup.  Lennie design of saying sorry shows me that his not completely gone in the head. Furthermore George tells the story of the rabbits. Lennie and Georges dream is to own their own lad with multiple colored rabbits and to live off the land. Bored and in need of a conversation, Lennie brings up their dream and asks George to tell of their dream. George tells the dream of living on their own from start to finish and leaves Lennie satisfied. Surprisingly on page 20 George and Lennie began the journey on working on the new ranch. I will forever love this book.
Of Mice and Men
p# 1-10
After reading the begging for a second time i noticed or payed attention to other things. For example, the beginning of the book is only description, i took the time to makes sure i understood ever detail. Furthermore, in this part of reading Lennie kills his first mouse. The reason Lennie killed this mouse is because he doesn't know his own strength. Lennie meant to be rental with this small delicate creature but his big powerful hands denied him from gently stroking the mouse. Also George gets mad at Lennie for asking ketchup. While George was generously making beans for Lennie, the only food they had, Lennie started to complain because they had no Ketchup. George got very furious and yelled at Lennie with no mercy until he was done.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The forgotten beast of Eld

This reading was about a wizard and a poor lady that lived in a king city of Mondor. The wizards name was Heald. Heald has two eyes that are only black. The book said on page 3 that the wizard is slow and sluggish. The wizard has three horses and even a pet beast. Another characteristic of the wizard is he has a rough voice until he touches a dog. After he touches dogs his voice becomes sweet and soft. I’m not sure if I'm going to continue this book because it seems to unrealistic to me.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Catnip tells Haymich about the situation. She at first was unsure if she should tell anyone. She thought about telling Cinna because they gained a great relationship and was easy to talk to ,but she didn't want to put her at risk. Also, we learn that Haymich has to talk about his personal experience and will probably be wasted. I am surprised that they were able to make Catniss look good again after days of non stop fighting. It must have been almost impossible ,but they got it done.


Catnip continues to stress about the president killing her daily. She now has to go on a tour to pretend to love Peeta. She's use to letting Peeta show the love between them. She also has a flashback of her dad and where they use to hang out. She has never showed anybody els the favorite spot but has thought of showing Gale. At the end of the pages I read she sits to get her nails eye brows and hair down. They are really messed up because she has gotten them done since the hunger games. I can't tell whats going to happen in this book.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Catching fire p22-29

Katnip goes to the woods to hunt like she used to do. She quickly found gale standing by a tree. She ran and gave him a tight big long hug. This was ver special because it lead to Gale kissing her. This is bad new because now Gale Peeta and her family are in danger. If Katnip doesn't be more careful any one of them could of died. This chapter was important but it's leading to the climax. I predicted the tKatnip won't be able to to stay away from Gale and will get everybody in huge trouble.