Sunday, October 14, 2012


pages 54-77
October 14,2012

In this reading Brewster and his girlfriend go on their second date. The date was planed to be at a swimming pool which threw Brewster off balance. The reason brewster didn't like this idea was because of all his bruises on his back and stomach. To take the attention off of himself, Brewster brings his little brother cody. When Brewster arrives his girlfriend was already in the pool monitoring him to jump in. Furthermore, on sight cody jumped in the pool in a shape that was similar to a canon ball. This took a couple of minutes off of Brewster so he didn't have to get in the pool yet. Eventually, the attention was passed back to Brewster so he got in the pool with his shirt on. Brewsters girl friend, being curious makes brewster take off his shirt. At that time an explanation was took late his girlfriend assumed his uncle beat him with a belt and now she is threatening to tell the police.

1.) In this reading there was a surprising interjection. "I pulled him toward deeper water.' C'mon, it's only twenty-five yards.'
'No!' he pulled his hand back from mine."

2.) In this reading there were countless participles. "Cody, who had migrated to the shallow end, called out to us."

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