Sunday, December 16, 2012


Marcus Harris

Cody almost gives out his brothers secret. Cody sends hint to his friend and almost tell his friend the whole thing. This would have been bad because then his brothers supernatural powers would be out in public. Little kids often tell everything to their parents and their parents will tell other parents. If Brewsters powers were in the open the government would take him away and use him for science. Brewster has also thought he would be used to heal the President if he was every shot or injured in some way he would be the ultiment body guard. In the worse case sanario he would be killed and directed in the name of science. Nothing else exciting happened in this chapter but I think it's leading to the climax in the next chapter.

 I noticed some comic relief in this chapter because after an intense moment of Brewster loosing his secret a joke was made taking the seriousness out the situation a little.

I found some situational irony because cody meant the opposite when he said he would tell Brewster's secret.

Friday, December 7, 2012


December 7 2012

In this reading Brewster s brother is the narrator. This chapter is basically Cody(Brewster little brothers thoughts. He talks about being scared of his uncle who can occasionally be drunk and angry especially when Brewster inst around. When Brewster is home his uncle behaves because he believes Brewster is a angel or a demon sent from the under world or from heaven. Also since the past years Brewer has become bigger than his uncle meaning if push came to shove Brewster would win in a fight. Furthermore, Cody talks about not letting Brewster s secret out to the public. It is getting very hard for Cody not to talk about his "gifted" brother.Next i believe that the chapter will be about Bonte, Brewster s girlfriend, and whats going on in her mind as its has been for the beginning of this book. On a scale to 1-10 so far i would rate my book a solid 7.

I find there to be alot of imagery in this book exspecialy where they talk about thhe "fight" in the food court.

I also have found more dramatic irony in this book because Bonte doesn't really know Brewster s secret but I do so I know more than a character.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Marcus Harris
October, 22, 2012

In this reading Brewster revield all his scars leaving his girlfriend in shock. Not only did he show her he told her how and why theye happen. Brewster used undeniable evidence he told her his pain. After years and years of secrets finally his secret was out. Brewster found someone he trusted but that just brings him even more pain. This is the struggle his been battling all his life. Im starting to think this is a life lesson I think the theme is love brings pain love leaves bruises. Im starting to get into this book and I'm starting to love it.

The theme of this story is is pain results in love and love brings pain. It the undeniable cycle of life.


Marcus Harris
Pine Point

In the beginning of this reading Tennyson and his sister are found in the bathroom crying. It isn't often they would have these brother and sister times but when it happens its special. The sister said "this is why i put up with my brother, because he always has my back, all we have now is each other ". I can relate to this a lot. My brothers and I don't speak much but when we do its something special and deep. I think this a bond only siblings could explain and have because I new exactly what the author was talking about when i read this part. Iv had this moment with my siblings whenever we are in danger. I remember one time when there was a stranger at my house so we hid in a bedroom with "weapons" to perfect one in other we had , a connection.


Marcus Harris
Pine Point

In this reading life carries on. Tennyson's parents don't speak and dare often separated. when both parents are him they are always on the other side of the house. The children are becoming more and more sad and rant sure how to handle this. Whenever their parents ever come to gather to speak together they clash and begin to fight. It is clear at this point the divorce isn't far away. I can somewhat relate to this scene because of witness this but between one of my friends parents i was scared worried and sad for my friend. Things like this from my point of view is one of the hardest things kids could go threw.

In these pages the mood is strictly sad. Theres only sorrow and regret found in theses pages and is in desperate need of comic relief.


Marcus Harris
Pine Point

In this reading nothing important happens. The pages seemed to go on and on about their parents getting a divorce. In these pages I got a sense over emotional pain more than a physical one. Im not sure if this story is about the divorce or more so the bruisers on Brewster. This story seems to flip flop back and forth a lot which makes it hard to get a handle on the climax. Overall there are many main characters and there isn't a antagonist. This puzzles e because iv read through many climaxes but i have never seen a antagonist This book is defiantly different.

I saw dramatic irony in theses pages because I new why bruiser gets his bruises before his girlfriend did who is a main character.