Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Thief lord p28 to 30 (end of chapter 3) Nov 30

   In this reading everybody settles down for bed. Everybody singles together to hear one of Hornets stories she had by her bed. They all stayed up for a while but dozed off. Their leader ( the thief lord) came back but everybody was asleep. We also learned that their leader always disappears for as long as a week. They say that he goes to a church every time he leaves. One day one of them tried to follow him but he spotted them before he got where he was going. This is only their nightly tradition.

The Thief lord p23-27 Nov 30

        In this reading we learn many things. First we learned other characters such as Mosca. Mosca is an African American that is really strong and keeps an eye on the emergency money and seems a lot older. SSecond we learn where they sleep. All them sleep side by side on their own mattresses because they feel safer together at night outside. Third we learn they steel from houses. In this reading the described a raid one of the boys did. This one was a huge raid because he got a lot of stuff but the more impressive part is he didn't get caught. Fourth we learn That Hornet (the girl) loves to read and even fishes out books from the trash because they can't afford to buy them.

The thief lord 20-22 Nov 30

       The two boys and girl go about their normal things. For example steeling food looking for better shelter. This time when the older brother asked the younger brother to come back, but he didn't he kept running. The older brother let it go but the girl said "If you keep letting that go he won't listen to you later". Since the detective is constantly looking for them I think they will get caught adventuly. They way they are walking around the town all day they should be very easy to find and they don't cover there tracks. If I were them I wouldn't walk around like normal people that aren't trying to hide. They should be more careful before they get caught.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Thief Lord page 14-20 November 1st

          In this chapter we get a sneak peek to where the run away boys are and what they are doing. We learn that the boys arn't alone, there is also a girl cousin who taged along with them who is also around 13. Furthermore, the three run aways are running short on food and so they wont be able to buy much stuff such as food, water, and jackets because its getting cold. If they dont find money quick they will only have two opptions. 1 starve to death or 2 go back home where this is all ready handed to them for free. I wonder why they ran away from what seems to be a nice loving home.Although they have made it a month on there own i dont think they can last much longer since summer is comming to a sliding halt. I am motivated to keep ready this awesome story because the introduction hooked my attention.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Thief Lord page 7-13 october 29th

In the beginning of the book we meet what we think is the main character. We also find out the surrounding the main character lives. The most interesting thing about the main character was that he's an investigator and now has a case to find two little boys. The two little boys are five and twelve and have ran away all the way to a different town. It seems like the main character Victor has taken many cases because he was really mellow about the situation while the parents were panicking. All ready the book seems like there is going to be a twist in it and will be a mystery book. I am looking forward to reading this book because it hooked me from the beginning.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Among the betrayed

In the beginning of this chapter we meet the main character Nina. Nina is a third child. This is a big problem because in this society three children aren't allowed. In many cases the kids are killed if found. In this case Nina did not get killed because she's hiding in secret until some one "rated" on her. For years Nina thought her friends were trust worthy but one has told on her. Before she is killed the police give her a chance to live, but she has to turn in other third born children first.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Catching Fire

     After last week's boring chapter, something interesting happened to Katnip. Katnip came home only to find the President in her kitchen. The president and Katnip started talking about what happen in the battle  arena and how it changed the whole game. Since Katnip pretended to love Peeta in the battle arena, she now has to live her life like she really does love Peeta. There are two things wrong with this. 1.) Katnip doesn't like Peeta. 2.) Katnip basically already has a boyfriend. I think this is really unfair because now Katnip can't live the life she always wanted.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Catching Fire

In my week of reading I have come to find very strange things after Katnip one the games. For example her life is normal the only thing that has changed is how rich she is.  After becoming famous and after all most dying, her life is basically the same. Two her and peter still don't talk very much even after there "romance" they had in the Hunger Games.  Also, later i come to find out that the president had to talk to Katnip about her not talking to peter after the game. I think its strange and ironic how even after having all the money she could dream of she was more happy when she didn't have it.